More than a little bleeding, severe pain or the threat of infection.  Any one of these scenarios alone constitutes a dental emergency.  Because most emergencies situations seem to happen at odd hours of the day or night, it is important for your family to have a dental home that you can rely on to be available anytime you need urgent care.  Most dentists allow for emergency appointments during regular office hours and provide their patients with a phone number to call in case of an after hours emergency.

The best way to sidestep an emergency setting is to make sure your teeth are healthy and strong to begin with, and the best way to do that is to see your dentist at least once every six months.  Aside from regularly scheduled dental checkups you can help to strengthen your teeth by adhering to a routine of  daily home care.  Your dentist or hygienist can help by recommending products and sharing practices that have proven to advance the dental health of some of their other patients.

One precautionary step that people may want to include in their pre travel plans is to see their dentist before they leave,  just to make sure that all dental work is in good condition and there is no sign of impending trouble.  It’s sometimes hard to find dental care when you’re traveling.

Dental Care Associates is prepared to meet your dental emergency needs.  Contact the office @ 701-347-1605.