While some people may choose crowns, inlays or bridges, there is another way to take care of long
term teeth issues. Dental implants are a solution for missing or badly damaged teeth. Due to the
fact that they operate in the same way a natural tooth would, they are becoming more and more
the industry norm. Dental implants place an artificial root into the gums. At that point an artificial
tooth can be placed at the end of the root. Because they are strongly anchored into the gums, they
will act and feel much like a real tooth. Dentists will drill into the jaw bone and attach the artificial
root. While it is important to have the bone in place in which to drill the root, there are occasions
where bone itself can be grafted to artificially put in place in order to attach the root. The titanium
rods that make up the root can be placed in both the upper and lower jaw. An artificial tooth is
placed at the end of the rod. This will normally be made out of gold or porcelain. It looks very
similar to a natural tooth that has been filed down ready for a crown. At this point a crown will be
placed on the rod. This will be just like a regular crown and it can be made of metal or porcelain.
There are many benefits to having a dental implant. As the tooth becomes fused to the artificial
root they will be able to function just as a natural tooth. On the appearance side, they will look just
like real teeth. With the improved look, people will often feel far more confident about smiling and
letting people see their teeth. They also have big advantages over dentures and bridges in their
functionality. You can eat normally. While dentures might move around, the strong artificial root
will keep the teeth exactly in place meaning that people can eat whatever foods they want.

Because dentures can move around, there is often an issue with speech. The fact that the dental
implants do not move around means that there will not any of the issues associated with slipping
dentures. Dentures also require some adhesive to keep them in place, and there is also the hassle
of having to take them out. Implants are permanent, and they are locked in place. Because of the
quality of the implants, they will often last a lifetime.

Bridges often require the adjoining teeth to be altered. Dental implants do not affect adjacent
teeth, so the ability to floss between them remains the same. That means they can avoid some of
the oral hygiene issues you get with bridges. Almost everyone can obtain dental implants. The
process can take a few visits over a period of time, but the long term benefits of dental implants
far outweigh the use of dentures or bridges.